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Our Mission

"We help Ohio's Foster Kids climb to success one step at a time as we help transition them into adulthood"

A 501c3 Non-Profit Organization

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Stepping Stones Foundation for youth


Hello! Our names are Denny and Jennifer Snow, and we live in Mount Vernon, Ohio. We have been manied for 32 years, and in that time we have raised and helped raise 23 teenage foster kids and two biological children. Our main reason is to give back to our Community, and the following scripture is our guide: 

James 1:27 
Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 


We have been foster parents for 20 years. In that time we have learned the system well, and we see areas that it fails our foster kids once they age out of the system. The main area our foundation focuses on is when our kids age out of the system and lose their support from the State and are left all alone (unless they were blessed enough to build support systems before they aged out). This is where we thrive as we have been supporting our past kids into adulthood just like you will do your own kids. When they need to do simple things like get their driver's license, buy their first car, get an apartment, or go to school, we are there to help. When life's surprises pop up and their car breaks down or they need help paying the rent, utilities or buy food for their kids, we are there. I'm sure you're seeing the need by now, and we need help to be able to meet these needs in not just our past kids lives but in hundreds of them in our surrounding counties and state. What we've learned is if these kids don't have this type of a support system, they end up going right back to the same life they were pulled out of and their chances of being successful are diminished almost completely. Our foundation is ready to go, and as much as we don't like asking for help, we need it. This is where you come in! 


I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.

 Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre

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